An opportunity to help anyone to earn, while you learn how to own your own business.
At a cost to market all products of only $30 monthly, you cannot only save on the products you need, but you can earn a monthly income on the products you and everyone you send to your website purchase.
You can also invite others to own their own business, and you earn an over-ride commission on their production.
The cheapest, easiest way to promote your business is with business cards. Go to you Admin Section, Forms & Documents. Fill in y our information on the 10-up form of business cards, and have a printer print 500 or 1,000 cards (the 2nd 500 are usually cheap). You must give everyone you see a card. Do not just leave the cards any place, it is a waste. The only place to leave a card is on the table where you have dined, or better yet, give a card to your waiter. Every time you see the same people, give them another card. Think about do not see Coke, Ford, or any other company have only one advertisement. They never stop. Keep on keeping on, day-after-day, hour-after-hour.
You will not earn in income unless you put forth an effort!
Go to your website. Look at every word. Contact your sponsor for help. If they will not help you, email We will find someone who will.