Saturday, 10 September 2011

1 .Stay on topic:Opinions are generally accepted but the content of the items in the blog should all relate to a general theme. Unless you
have an uncanny knack for wit, humor or cynicism, the majority of your readers will be interested in the content that relates to a specific defined theme or loosely defined area of interest. Most readers won't care that you eat Cheerios for breakfast. They may, however, be interested in the fact that vinegar takes out stains and that toilet paper rolls make great wreaths. Define a topic and stick to it. This will ensure that you create a loyal following of interested readers.


2. Post regularly: If it's a news oriented blog, 3-5 times per day. If it's an authoritative blog, 3-5 times per week, but each post must be unique and high value. This will also help in your search engine ranking and get your blog more free traffic.


3. Always respond to comments on your blog and when you detect a mention of your blog on another blog, thank that blogger in the comments ...of the post. 


4. Make contact with related bloggers on AND offline if possible. 


5. When making blog posts always cite the source with a 
link and don't be afraid to mention popular bloggers by 
name. Use keywords in the blog post title, in the body of the post and use anchor text when you link to previous posts you've made. 


6.Use social networking services, forums and discussion 
threads to connect with other bloggers. If they like your stuff, 
they will link to you. 


7. Remember when web sites were a new concept and the sage advice to print your web address everywhere you print your phone number? The same advice applies for your blog.


8. Purchase a domain name for your blog. This will help you get more traffic. Rather than just having a free blog on Wordpress.


9. Use Wordpress to design your blog. It will be the simplest option and will make your blog the most search engine friendly.


10. Keyword-rich. If the goal of your blog is to increase your visibility, include related keywords in the title of the blog. Use the title as a headline to attract interest. Each item post should have a title that attracts attention but still be relevant to the post. The title should be no more than 10-12 words. 


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