Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Can the CEO of an enterprise, benefit from Social Media?

Most CEO according to Forrester is not very social and do not have a profile on Twitter, FaceBook or do blogging on the social platform. Some CEO see Social Media more as a place where you can brag about your latest “achievements, get attention, approval and applause from an audience which is a place for non achievers to be”.
So in a CEO objective do they need to be social?
It depends how they and you look at it. From an enterprise CEO point of view, people want to communicate with him or her and if he or she has to work the social media, they will have just another platform to present their companies view and benefits towards their costumers.
Could it benefit the CEO personally?
Again, it depends on how well known he or she is in the public room. According to head hunters they will look for activity on the social media. Is the CEO is a public person and knowledgeable in his area the CEO will be found, by the right people for the right job anyway.
Should the CEO recognise Social Media as a “Buzz-word” campaign?
Many CEO feel disappointed from their past experiences,, with other new products, protocols, portals where they have been promised increased revenue, better efficiency and optimization of the utilization. The CEO feel that non has performed, as advertised from the various marketing and sales departments.
Why should the CEO work the social media anyway?
If Social Media is a part of the enterprises communication strategy it will be a good signal from the CEO to be a “first mover” in the company and herby draw attention to the enterprise with his collaboration with the costumers. Even though he/she has been disappointment in the past, they should look at Social Media as different approach. In the past, the CEO was not necessarily part of the campaign. The difference with social media is that the CEO is a very active part, of the campaign he she is the face of the campaign, he she participate actively and get an unfiltered feedback from the costumers if he get their attention and trust.
Could every type of CEO use the social media?
Yes if he or she knows how to create good content and be able to present it in the right context where it creates good purpose for the enterprise and its costumers. The lazy CEO could always go to the marketing department and make them handle his blog, tweet and even his LinkedIn account, but he will be easily spotted by the audience and the one he want to collaborate with – and then it will not work it is not authentic.
Is their a lot of cost using Social Media for the CEO?
The difference from previous times marketing campaigns is that using social media is low cost from a money investment point of view. It could be time consuming and costly for the CEO in that perspective if he/she do not take proper percussions of getting the right content. As a CEO you are in the campaign you are addressing the costumer and you are changing the one-way approach, which marketing could be to a many-to-many approach where you get a profitable conversation and connection with your costumers.

What is the Bottom Line to the CEO and the enterprise with Social Media?
The CEO has a very simple purpose he has to make sure that the shareholders are content this is where the CEO must look into the fundamentals of the enterprise and make the changes, which could make the company be prosperous in the future. One area where change must occur is marketing. Fundamentally, marketing must refocus away from selling product and toward creating relationships. Customers don’t like to be ‘owned’ if that implies lack of choice or freedom. But they do like to be ‘owned’ if what that means is a vendor taking ongoing responsibility for the success of their joint ventures.  Ownership in this sense means an abiding commitment and a strong sense of mutuality in the development of the marketplace. When customers encounter this kind of ownership, they tend to become fanatically loyal to their supplier, which in turns builds a stable economic base for profitability and growth.”
 This is where Social Media can help developing this way of communicating with the costumers. CEO´s should use their position to create and maintain relationships with costumers and prospects. This should be an important part of the CEO job description, and in that perspective the CEO could really benefit from Social Media.

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