Saturday, 1 October 2011

5 Tips for Writing Landing Pages That Sell

Here are 5 easy-to-implement strategies for creating landing pages that sell. really . . .

Most visitors to a landing page "leave" within a few seconds of arriving.
They don't read your sales pitch, they don't scroll down they're just not interested.
They take this action based on an instant impression they have formed of the landing page.

1. Acknowledge the "bail factor"

Is it attractive and easy to read?

Does the overall design convey professionalism and trustworthiness?

Is the landing page directly related to what the visitor was searching for when he clicked on your ad?

The first step is to acknowledge that this is the mindset you're dealing with. 

Whatever your copy or headlines, whatever your design and layout, they must convince a visitor within just a
few seconds (some say 8, some say 5, others say 15 not much time any way you look at it). 

In other words, this stuff really matters.

Designing and writing an effective landing page doesn't require a big budget. 

It does require, however, more time, thought and work than you initially thought it did.

2. Make your headline match the copy in your ad 

Your "landing page headline" is the first thing a click-through visitor sees, other than a graphic.

Slight changes in wording can significantly impact your conversion rate. This is similar to the
importance of a headline on an AdWords ad or a sales page the headline makes a crucial

However, there's something even more important at work here by matching your headline
with the words in your ad, you are providing a subtle, visual reassurance that this is the site they
wanted to visit.

We're talking millisecond decision-making here.
Make it easy and comfortable for your visitor to take the next step... to keep reading and visually exploring the landing page.

And that starts with maintaining a connection between the ad they clicked and the headline of the
landing page they ended up at.

3. Keep your "hero shot" on the left side

"Hero shot" refers to the photo or graphic of the product you're promoting.

Eye-tracking studies cited in MarketingSherpa's Landing Page Handbook show that a
visitor's eye is drawn first to an image.

Only then does the visitor move on to read your copy.

If the hero shot is on the right side if the page, it's more difficult for a reader to switch their eyes
back to the left and start reading.

So a visitor might never get around to reading your copy.

Pretty simple, you'd think? But it's the small things that count.

4. Your call to action must be a link

In other words, when you are asking the reader to make a decision and click the order button,
don't put the words "click here" in the anchor text.

Many visitors read the hyperlinks first. In fact, readers tend to treat the links more as an informational tool than as a "thing for clicking".

Strange, but once again this is proven to work. Use strong copy that calls for powerful and prompt action. Your "linked" copy is second in  importance to your headline.

Don't be afraid to hotlink a whole sentence.

For example: Download your FREE copy of this 24-page guide on 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a
Home Theater System (don't bother clicking that one, no magic guides there)

People love specifics. Plus they want something tangible to attach their actions to, and this
method gives it to them.

5. Ask the prospect what they want

Instead of just asking the reader to make a purchase, be specific and ask them upfront what
sort of information they are looking for (use checkboxes).

For example, if you are promoting health products, give them options that let them specify their motivations for inquiring about this type of product.

Different people have different motivations. Person A could be looking for a diet plan to help
them lose weight Person B could be looking for a diet plan to help them build muscle and so

By asking the prospect what they want, you can deliver a tailored sales pitch according
to the motivation the prospect has specified.

And this time, because the visitor made the decision himself about what sort of product he
wanted to see, it becomes a lot easier to keep their attention (after all, they are the ones who
'requested' this information they are bound to be interested in reading through and finding
out how it can help them).

By giving them a feeling that they are still gathering information (as opposed to telling you
what they are interested in buying), you can not only drastically cut down on "bail-outs" but
also seriously ramp up your conversions.

Hopefully you'll take the time to study this chapter and apply it comprehensively to your
landing pages it could mean the difference between making a tidy profit and suffering
financial loss.

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