Friday, 7 October 2011

It's Important to Manually Submit to Social Bookmarking Sites

Why Do I think That:

It is Important to Manually Submit Your Articles to Social Bookmarking Sites?

(1) To ensure that your article was submitted correctly.
Some of the social bookmarking services have been reported to not work properly. The only way to ensure that your article is submitted correctly is to submit it by hand.

(2) To ensure that you don’t alienate users.

It sounds like an exaggeration but the Internet really is run by users these days and if you alienate enough of those users, you run the risk of ruining your business. Automatic social bookmarking submissions are considered bad form in the current online world and can greatly decrease your credibility with the users who can drive traffic to (or away from) your website. Bad word-of-mouth on social bookmarking sites is just like bad word-of-mouth out there in the real world; too much of it can destroy a business.
Even though there is software out there that will let you automatically submit your website to social bookmarking sites, people who use those sites regularly are opposed to the use of that software. The reason for this is that social bookmarking sites really are seen as a community, a place where users can get together to discuss the things that they do and don’t like on the web. Despite the fact that most people on social bookmarking sites are there to promote their own online work, the sites are still widely used for the purpose of community and online sharing. People who violate the community by not taking the time to manually submit their sites are essentially seen as outsiders who the community will ultimately shun.

(3) To ensure that you and your site isn’t banned or buried.
Being shunned from social bookmarking sites can have a devastating effect on your ability to use them for website promotion. Many social bookmarking tools have ways of not only voting for content that’s placed on the site but also of voting it down. Enough votes down and your content can be buried so that the time that you took to put it on the site is completely wasted since the content isn’t seen anyway. And the effects of automated social bookmarking can be even worse; some sites will actually ban your entire domain from the social bookmarking site if you are caught failing to manually submit your content. This means that you won’t be able to use the social bookmarking site at all in the future, even if you do decide to change your ways.

(4) To Continue to Expand Your Social Network
When visiting a social bookmarking site, you will be able to build up your social network. How? Well, by visiting the site, it is inevitable that you will see articles or sites that you will want to visit and therefor digg, stumble, or rate. Every time you rate another site or communicate with another user, you are building up your credibility and your social network. This is very important in a social networking campaign.

(5) Out of Respect of The Social Bookmarking Sites’ Members
The issue is basically one of respect. People who use social bookmarking sites want to know that you care enough about your content to submit it manually and to tell them why they might be interested in it. Get on the good side of these people and you can use social bookmarking sites to greatly increase the traffic to your site. But make a fatal faux pas like failing to manually submit your site to these places and you’ll quickly find that you’ve been ostracized from the online community to the point that you might as well just move out of the virtual town that you were calling home.


  1. Hello. I usually write new articles every month for my sites and have one question. Should I keep submitting these new content pages to same social bookmarking sites?

  2. not necessarily same you may post to different bookmarking sites or most favourite sites it depends usually :)


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