Sunday, 2 October 2011

Your Online Business can actually be of a Great Benefit

Have you ever wondered how many successful Internet Marketers out there actually have a day job?

Well to be honest with you, most of them do and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Most marketers have a job and do Internet Marketing on the side with hopes of one day making it their full-time income.

A pretty strange trend has happened with recent students of mine though. Most of them have jobs and tell me how they can't wait to ditch it.While that's normal, a completely different mindset needs to be taken when you do have a job and do Internet Marketing part-time.

I'm about to address a few reasons why having a day job while working on your online business can actually be of a great benefit. This is a very important post so if you want to bookmark it, do so! Anyways here we go...

1. The Social Aspect

So what is one of the main things that we do day in and day out? Well, communicate! I hardly doubt anyone goes 8-10 hours on a job without communicating with other people and if you do, you need some help  . Well, one thing I can tell you since being a full-time Internet Marketer is that your social level goes down when you don't work on a job any longer.

While I do cherish the money I make online, there are times when I just downright miss some of my old coworkers! One thing that I advise individuals when they finally become
full-time online is to keep some separation between online and offline. It gets quite easy to base your life around being on the computer all day and messing up your social life.

2. Use The Money To Your Advantage

Using some of your money that you make on your job to go towards your Internet Business can be very beneficial.Having a job and reinvesting into your business is probably your meal ticket to becoming full-time online. Just think about what you could actually do with money you save from your paychecks. You can always save up for a product launch, buy traffic, outsource, etc etc. Now don't go and just blow
money, make sure your investments are smart 

3. Keeps You Focused

So let's say you come home from a 10 hour shift and you cut over 800 boxes a day like I use to do. You're exhausted, but you know you need to put at least 4 hours into your online business if you ever want it to work. So what would you do?

Would you make sure those 4 hours are productive?

Or would you goof off on some forum talking about a whole bunch of nothing? Well hopefully you would make those 4 hours as productive as possible considering you are exhausted as is and want the privilege of working from your own home one day.Your job can definitely be of a benefit to you in this area,
no doubt!

Well as you can see, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a job and working on your online business part-time.It actually has it's benefits. It will keep you having a social life, secure money for reinvestment and keep you focused on the prize!

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