Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Be More Social and Famous

You may have found your Stats page by now, and if you’re feeling a bit lonely, don’t worry! It’s totally normal for new blogs to get few visitors and comments.  As you continue to publish new content regularly and learn how to use all the social features available,  you’ll begin to draw a larger audience and increase user engagement. Patience, dear blogger: With hard work and time, your traffic will increase. (And even if it doesn’t, that doesn’t mean you’re not an awesome blogger — as long as you’re enjoying your blog, you’re successful.)
One of the best ways to attract new visitors to your blog is to write high-quality content frequently, but there are also a multitude of ways to spread the word about your site. Here are a few of our top suggestions:

Seek to build relationships

Your site is an expression of what you’re most passionate about, so it can be tempting to announce “Check out my blog!” every chance you get. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to share your creation with the world, it’s important not to get stuck in an “it’s all about me” mindset.
You wouldn’t hand your business card to someone you just met, and then walk off, so take care not to do the virtual equivalent of that when you interact with other bloggers online.
Leaving comments on other posts is a great way to establish relationships and attract readers to your site, but there are a few basic rules of comment etiquette that you should keep in mind. For example, be specific. Personalized comments show authors that you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say, and that you actually took the time to read what they wrote.

If you don’t have time to leave a comment on a post, or you’re not sure what to say, you can also show your support by clicking the Like button in your admin bar at the top of the screen, and optionally reblogging the post on your own blog.

Encouraging comments on your own blog is also a great way to engage your audience and build relationships with readers. If you were writing about how you spent your summer vacation, for example, you might close with “Have you ever visited South America? What was your experience like?” Or, you might even conduct a quick poll to initiate a discussion with your readers.
Remember that you have complete control of the comments left on your blog. If you’re uncomfortable with comments, you can turn them off. You can also turn comments off for specific posts.

Get the word out with social media

If you use services like Facebook and Twitter, you can enable Publicize to automatically share your content with all your friends and followers every time you publish a post.
Once you’ve activated it, you’ll see the Publicize options appear just above the publish button by the post editor:

Here you can customize the message for the update you’ll send out to other services, or even opt out of Publicizing a particular post.
To make it easy for your visitors to share your content on their favorite social sites, you can enable sharing buttons on your posts and pages. You have the option to display any combination of the ten buttons that are available. Sharing buttons look like this:

Share link love

Sending your audience away can be a great way to bring them back. It sounds counterintuitive at first, but sharing links to other sites can help you to forge relationships with other content creators in the blogosphere.
When you link to someone else’s blog, they’ll often receive a notification of this, either in the form of a pingback or via the incoming links section of their stats. They’ll likely be curious about who you are, and what you had to say about their post, and they’ll head over to your blog to find out. They might even thank you for the shout out, comment on your post, or subscribe to your blog.
In addition to sharing link love in your posts, you can also add the Links Widget to your sidebar once you’ve put together a blogroll. Here’s an example:

Link to the type of content you enjoy yourself, and chances are that someone else will find it useful. In turn, over time, you might find that other blogs recommend your content to their readers, and win you some new readers.

Make it easy for visitors to stay updated

Readers who are logged in to can easily follow your blog using the Follow button. You can also enable readers to sign up for email notifications of new posts with the Blog Subscriptions Widget:

Monitor your growth

While creating content is rewarding in and of itself, it can be exciting to see that other people are checking out your site and sharing feedback.
If you’re interested in boosting your readership, your stats can provide useful information about what type of content attracts and engages your readers the most, and help guide you in planning material for future posts.
To get the lowdown on your stats, visit the Design>Stats in your dashboard as shown below

The graph at the top displays your blog’s total views and comments for the day, week, or month, depending on which tab is selected. Here you can also find out what your most popular posts and pages are, discover if anyone is referring you, see which search engine terms are bringing you the most traffic, and

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